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ReVAMP  Reading

For lifelong reading success!

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In Essence

ReVAMP Reading is:
- structured, multisensory
 reading instruction.
- designed for all those who have not YET had success.   
- focused on each student to help YOU learn to read.
- carefully designed so that you will ALWAYS know WHY we do what we do.

You WILL be able to:
- confidently read and spell words.
- describe and explain using precise and concise language.
- improve your working memory.
- better understand how words work.
- read fluently and with meaning.
- visualize and think deeply about what you read.
- read, write and spell more efficiently.
- make clear, effective communication a life long skill.

Who can benefit from ReVAMP?

If you or your child...

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have Dyslexia.

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need to improve with reading or spelling.

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want to make your reading more fluent.

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need to enhance your vocabulary.

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wish to better understand what you read.

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have tried Wilson, Orton-Gillingham, Barton, etc... without success.

  ReVAMP Reading CAN HELP!  

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What ReVAMP Means
Rebuild - Visual, Auditory, and Motor Perception pathways in the brain.

The ReVAMP Reading process:

  - will guide your brain to connect what you see, hear, and feel for each sound in the English language. 

  - will train your brain to skillfully use sounds and letters to better understand and use language.

  - will help you to improve your reading, spelling, and writing abilities.

What ReVAMP Means
In a Nutshell

In a Nutshell:


My name is David Kent.  I have a master's degree in both reading instruction and special education.


I provide evidence based instruction to students with Dyslexia and all students who have not yet felt successful as readers. 



Very bright students can struggle to hear and feel sounds in words.



Most processes start with letters instead of sounds.



I train the brain to hear, feel, and manipulate the sounds in words.

My students learn the way science says our brains are designed to learn. 

As part of that process, you will ALWAYS know WHY we do what we do.


Learn more about ReVAMP Reading and how I can help you or someone you care about.



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